What's UNU Alumni Association?

国連大学(UNU)では、国際社会が直面する緊急課題の解決のための研究者や専門実践家の養成を目的として、UNU alumni association世界各地で各種の人材養成プログラムを実施しています。その中で、東京にある国連大学本部及び横浜の国連大学高等教育研究所が行っている人材養成コース(「グローバルセミナー」、「国際講座」、「サマースクール」、「大学院共同講座」、「高等研究所フェローシッププログラム」)修了生を対象とした「UNU人材養成コース同窓会(United Nations University Capacity Development Course Alumni Association)」が、2007年12月14日(金)に設立されました。

この同窓会は、修了生たちが研修終了後も情報交流の機会を持ち、国連大学の状況や研究内容についても知識や情報を積極的に共有することによって、今後いっそうの活躍が行えることを目指しています。国連大学大学院の開設に伴い、2011年度から、同窓会の名称を「UNU Alumni Assciation」と改称しました。本法人では国連大学と連携したうえで、同窓会事務局として、修了生の中から選出された同窓会幹事と協議の上、運営事務にあたっています。



杉村 美紀さん(上智大学教授)





The UNU Alumni Association was established in 2007, mainly for the graduates of the UNU Capacity Development Course "Global Seminars", which has been managed for 25 years by UNU Headquarters in Tokyo. After that, the association came to cover graduates from UNU's other various capacity development courses; such as the UNU International Courses, the UNU Joint Graduate Courses, and the UNU Summer School which have been entirely implemented by the UNU Headquarters, and the UNU-IAS PhD Fellowship Programme which is by UNU-IAS in Yokohama. These courses are to make tremendous efforts to solve global issues from the various kinds of view and to deepen the mutual understanding. Over the past twenty years, they have produced more than 1,500 alumni, and they are spread out across the globe, active in UNU agencies, other international bodies, academia, and NGOs. This time, after the amendment of the Charter of the United Nations University, the association has contained the postgraduates of the UNU-ISP Postgraduate Programme, and it could be expected a lot of future development.

With the purposes of giving opportunities to interact with the alumni each other and to obtain up-to-date information on UNU activities, this UNU Alumni Association was launched in December 14, 2007. It aims to promote continued interaction and exchange information among alumni even after they entered the workforce to solve global problems, and to contribute to the UNU's activities by maintaining the ties to UNU. We hope that this alumni activity will enhance the UNU Course functions and enlarge the international human network, which is a very crucial matter from the view point of human resource development in international higher education.

This UNU alumni association is supported by the members' voluntary activities, and if you wish to become a member, you may register to do so at any time. The participation of graduates who endorse its aim, is mostly welcome. Let us make the future of the UNU Alumni Association by enlarging the UNU-related Alumni net work, and share in the joy with developments at UNU.

